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Edward "Eddie Kane" Knighton

"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that’s power. Because they control the mind of the masses.” - Malcolm X

The powerful element of the media has been utilized to convey the plight of the Fallen Streets of Detroit. New and up- coming Producer Edward Knighton takes advantage of such control, by directing your attention to the prostitution and drug trafficking dilemmas of Plymouth

Road. Edward’s Short Film the entitled - “Plymouth Rock”, exploits the darkened, depths of depression that encompass the neighborhoods of Plymouth Road.” Plymouth Rock” has brought awareness to an unearthly, epidemic that is not only claiming the lives of our family, friends and loved ones, but also slowly eradicating the neighborhoods of Plymouth Road at an alarming rate.

Join NuCentz Magazine as we delve further into the mindset of Producer Edward Knighton, and the latest hype behind the Short Film “Plymouth Rock”, which has stirred up controversy for the past month during the Motor City Exhibition, at the Grosse Pointe Art Center, and will soon be featured in the First Annual “Las Vegas Black Film Festival” April 17-20.

NuCentz: What sparked your career shift from the Production lines behind the Big Three to the Production Industry?

I guess just trying to chase my dream and jumping out on Faith. It’s tons of talent in Detroit, but working at the plant seems to diminish people dreams. They get comfortable with the money they’re making, and after working 40-60 hours a week they’re too tired to do anything with it. So I just decided to put 40-60 hours a week into studying and perfecting my craft, so I can be a Millionaire like Henry Ford!

NuCentz: What area of Production are you most fascinated with? (Filming, editing, etc.)

It’s so many factors when you talk about production, but I guess filming and editing would be the areas I prefer the most. I really enjoy editing because it’s like putting your own personal puzzle together.

NuCentz: What motivated your latest project, “Plymouth Rock”, and what is the message conveyed throughout your vision?

Actually just moving to that neighborhood period!!! And it was my final project for my Video Production class. I’ve seen things go down in that neighborhood you wouldn’t believe, fights, shootings, abductions, and prostitution just to name a few. I just used to sit on my porch and think to myself this could be a movie. I wasn’t trying to really send a message; it was more a cry for help. I love my city; I just don’t like the condition that it’s in with the politics and all.

NuCentz: What films or projects do you have in store for the future?

First, I’m going to make “Plymouth Rock” a full 90 minute documentary since it created such a big buzz. Then after that it’s going to be another documentary called Detroit Drag Way, which is about the underground drag racing scene we have here. Even though it’s illegal, drag racing is real big here in the city.

NuCentz: Which actor/actress, or artist would you like to work with in the near future?

I want to work with any and everybody I can. I love meeting new people and networking, I’m a people person.

NuCentz: Living in Detroit, what challenges, disadvantages and advantages will come from working in such a non-traditional filming area?

Living in Detroit is a challenge in itself mentally. This is before you even add the crime, scandals, and drug issues. Half the people here biggest dream is to work at Ford or Chrysler, to me that’s not a dream, that’s a nightmare!!! I don’t want to be nobody’s slave on a plantation. I want to be free. And as far as advantages, Detroit is almost the new filming Mecca, Its Hollyhood!! It has so many different looks and textures when looking through the camera. Everybody wants to shoot a movie here now.

NuCentz: What would you say are the most essential components behind producing a great film or video?

I guess a good story; something that people can feel and actually relate to. Sound is also important, bad audio can ruin a production.

NuCentz: What Producer motivates or inspires you the most from the industry?

I guess I would say John Singleton, the Hughes Brothers, Spike Lee, Francis Coppola, and everyone else that paved the way, the list can go on and on.

NuCentz: What advice do you have for other upcoming Film Producers such as yourself?

Just to believe in God, Themselves, and never stop following your dreams. All things are possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can catch: Edward Knigthon Acting in " I Declare WAR TV this Summer 2015 Detroit Based TV Sieres.

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