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Deks: The Dj - The Rapper - The Clothing Designer

Music and clothing trends are often parallel and as the saying goes, history repeats itself. This seems so true with the current trends in clothing we see today. The bright neon colors, wild hair and high tops from the 80s are in almost every store front window you pass. DJ Ambidekstres is no exception to this music and clothing love affair, although he seems to keep it pretty neutral for everyone to enjoy. Currently located in the San Francisco Bay area,NuCentz Magazine had a chance to catch up with DJ Ambidekstres (Deks) and get some insight on what’s ahead for his music and exploding clothing line Refined Rendition.

Deks has always been into music. Growing up his mom always listened to soul and his step dad played the saxophone. “I always had to have the latest mix tapes from DJ Clue and DJ Green Lantern… I would even make our warm-up mixes for our basketball team in high school. I didn’t realize deejaying could have been something I could do as a career. Fortunately, I have been lucky enough to DJ all over the country enjoying what I do.

Refined Rendition, Where did the name come from and what does it represent? “Refined Rendition came alive because my friends and I were trying to express ourselves.” Taking risks is something that he seems to take head on. “I was always trying to link up with local street wear companies to share ideas and then we realized, just like music we can do this ourselves.” It was this attitude that brought to life the brand. “Rendition, an interpretation or a translation, in this case like a remix of vintage fashion. We take that, refine it and fuse it with today’s style. Sometimes simple is more so we blend that thin line into Refined Rendition.”

Creating a clothing line is no small task and for this traveling DJ work is all that is on the forefront right now. So we ask, has deejaying taken a back seat to your clothing line and how do you balance designing and traveling? “Luckily both mesh really well. I used to have a full time job but now I have time to focus on designs during down time while I’m on the road.” The premiere collection is called Crew Love, based on the popular sport rowing which has a big presence in the 80s and 90s and interpreted it with the Drake track “Take Care.” Available now are things like retro shades, classic tees/tanks, hoodies and sweat pants.

I have known you for a number of years, and if I recall you have always had a fixation for shoes, do you anticipate a shoe line in the future? “Yea, I am definitely still a sneaker head! Our line is certainly open to doing that, although with my interest in shoes they would have to be doper than anything out NOW! More Yeezy 2 than Pro Keds!

Currently the clothes are available online at but don’t be surprised if you see these in local stores soon. “We are considering store fronts and boutiques…our mission of brining vintage fashion with today allows us to bring ourselves to any age young and old and expanding that market will always be a goal with RR.”

Twitter/youtube @DJAmbidekstres

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