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Breaking the Stigma

Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses Part 1 As far back as society has been aware about Mental Health illnesses, it has abhorred a stigma towards people who have been affected by it. Without having acquitted knowledge of Mental Health Illnesses.

Mental Health Illness is something that has been swept under the rug for far too long. It is time for us to continually speak out about Mental Health Illnesses. We can no longer just lock up our loved ones and throw away the key; because the rate of people that are being diagnosed with Mental Health Illnesses is growing at a rapid rate.

Seeing that, Mental Health illnesses have affected 1 out of 5 adults in America that’s around about 43.8 million adults. We must keep it in the fore front of our minds, in order to treat, and cure people who have been affected by Mental Health Illnesses. So that we may break the stigma surrounding Mental Illnesses where as a person may be open and willing to seek help instead of masking their pains; by isolating themselves, coping with their Illness with substance abuse(alcohol, pain meds or drugs), or worse suicide!

President Harry Truman passed the National Mental Health Act in 1946 making the Mental Health of the people a Federal Priority. This act was inspired by the alarming number of poor Mental Health of some draftees and veterans and was brought to attention by the veterans and their families. This established the National Institute of Mental Health the leader in research and analysis on the brain and psychiatric disorders. The government allocated funds to aid in the development and research to more effective ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat such disorders regarding Mental Health Illnesses.

The organization has found that Mental Health patients benefit more from evaluation and treatment rather than institutionalizing the patient.

This month marks the 68th year of Mental Health Awareness month. Since 1949 the United States of America has observed the month of May to raise awareness and educate the public about mental illnesses and the issues a person that has been diagnosed with such illnesses and their loved ones might possibly have to face. It also brings light to the alarming growing rate to suicide, which can be linked to some Mental Health illnesses. In hopes that this; will ultimately break the stigma surrounding Mental Health Illnesses.

Throughout the month of May there will be several organizations that will host events to raise awareness for Mental Health Illnesses. It is important for us to begin educating ourselves and others about how Mental Health illnesses affects individuals as well as their loved ones and the people another them. You see the more we understand the better we as a community will be able to help identify, treat and prevent Mental Health issues.

Mental Health Illnesses are disorders that affect the way a person thinks, feel, behave, and interact with others. There are over 200 different types of Mental Illnesses that plague people young and old alike: all over the world.

Here are some of the many various types of Mental Health Illnesses we face on a regular:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Disorder

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Eating Disorder

  • PTSD

  • ADHD

Millions of people are affected by Mental

Health Illnesses but are unaware. So I ask you to please join me in raising awareness and breaking the stigma of Mental Health Illnesses for Mental Health Awareness Month?

  • To learn more about Mental Health Illnesses go check out The National institution of Mental Health HYPERLINK "" , the National Alliance on Mental Illnesses HYPERLINK "" or contact me at HYPERLINK "" Iva L. Montgomery, Licensed Massage Therapist, Owner/Operator of A Quintessential Therapeutic

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