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Pokemon Go: The Game That Took the World by Storm

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Pokemon Go has quickly become a sensation almost everyone you see walking around outside or around you is playing Pokemon Go. It has become a wide obsession and quite addictive. This game has gotten even parents playing and those working playing it in the middle of their job. Pokemon Go is a fun and exciting game, but it is also a dangerous game. However, Pokemon Go does have its good qualities and those qualities are: it gets kids active, in order to get Pokemon’s the players need to go out and catch them if you do not move your character does not. Unless you use incense which allows for thirty minutes the Pokemon to come to you. The second quality is players interact with other players in real life when you turn the corner there are others playing it too, so it helps those playing become more social. The third quality is it builds teamwork since one another player helps each other out on finding the Pokemon’s or teaching each other how to use their Pokemon if one does not know.

First off, the question is, is Pokemon Go good or bad, but the whole world is centered on good and bad. I believe the game itself is not bad. However, those that play it make it good or bad, just like super powers it is those that decide how to use their powers that make them good or bad. My point is that people are saying the game is bad because of how it has caused many accidents, weird findings such as a body being found, or people leading others to them to beat them up. But bad things as such have been happening even before Pokemon Go and those that play it should understand to be alert of their surroundings, which the game says while loading. Pokemon Go still is not bad but has seemed to cause an escalation in accidents and such. Although it says to stay alerted there are many people who get caught up in the game and do not think before they act when catching Pokemon’s or where they head to catch them. However, instead of taking something that is also having a positive impact on the community they should work on making it safer, such as ask the people for solutions.

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Here are some examples of solutions:

Setting boundaries- For kids it is important to set a perimeter for them since as parents it is important to make boundaries for them. So it is important to create a safe area for your kids and to make sure they follow it always. Because despite many older people who play the game there are a lot of kids who play it too.

Staying visible- Whether you are older children or younger it is important if you are going out at night with friends or family that you make sure you stay visible to drivers, bicyclists, and other walkers. Some ways would be wearing reflective clothing at night and dress in light or bright colors as well, use a flashlight when in an area that has little to no light, glow bands, and if possible to stay in the light of the street lights.

Do not play while mobile- When driving, biking, using a scooter, or any type of transportation remember to put the phone away and pay attention to where you are going. It is not only your life that is important, but those around you too are as well. So make sure your children or even adults know when riding, the game is off and the device put away. Pokemon’s are not as important than the lives of our loved ones and those around since you can always catch them when you get to your destination.

Secret identity- Your information or data is very important. So it is crucial to let your child know and understand that they should never give out their identity or privacy in order to play any game. So use an email that can not be traced back to you and does not use one's actual name, but create a secret identity.

Battle buddies- The buddy system is important and makes playing Pokemon Go safer and more fun when you have others to play with. Also as my friend Sunsaree said, “ It is important to always have someone with you because, as she gave an example, when the guy who was playing Pokemon was not paying attention to where he was walking he fell off a cliff. So if you want to walk and play, it is important to have someone with you so they can help you stay alerted and pay attention to you.”

Next, the positive impact that Pokemon Go has been having, that I myself have seen and mentioned before, is that it has helped kids get out and active. Also, helped people create friends, especially those who have a hard time making friends due to either being shy or having social anxiety, it has helped them be able to make friends and talk to people. Because they have a common ground to start a conversation with. Also, Pokemon Go has helped teach us how to work with other people, so teamwork. Since in order to take down a gym one needs to work with their team, which there are three different teams: Team Instinct, Team Mystic, and Team Valor. I have seen at Lakeshore Park huge groups of kids, adults, and even some older adults walk or sit with groups playing and catching Pokemon’s. There are even events for Pokemon Go where groups of people come and capture Pokemon’s where they are or they lure them there. One of the places that have a Pokemon Go Lure Day is God’s & Monster’s. Now one of the major great things about Pokemon Go is that is has been helping those with autism, such ways it has helped them is getting outside and playing or helping them with social skills. Now there is an article from where one mother is talking about how her son who has autism that his usual interests were to draw world maps or flags, but he now has been getting excited to the point he is interested in reaching out and talking with others ( by Lisa Flam). Also while scrolling down Facebook there was this post by Josh Conley:

“Say what you want about Pokémon Go, but let me share a story from a few nights ago. In downtown Kalamazoo, there are hundreds of people at the park downtown playing at all times (not an exaggeration either). There are people from every age group, ethnic group, and social background interacting and laughing and sharing stories and tips in a way that I have never seen in my entire life. I've seen older people in business suits talking to goth kids, teenagers in bro tanks interacting with people dressed head to toe in Pokémon clothes, people sharing a bench with the homeless, and so much more. You name it, I've seen it. And that's just in one week of this game coming out. Pizza places are taking advantage of this and selling pizzas at the park for $5. The other night I saw some guys buy a pizza for a homeless guy and give the pizza guy an extra $5 to give someone else a free pizza (which the Pizza guy, rather than pocketing the $5, actually did give someone a free pizza). About 15-20 minutes later I saw the homeless guy walking around asking people playing if they were hungry and wanted a slice of pizza. Someone who has virtually nothing offering people out playing a game if they want food. I don't think I need to explain how powerful that is. So if you want to judge people out playing or make fun of people "over 12" who play I urge you to actually look at how this game is bringing people together. It's actually quite incredible.”

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This is the good Pokemon Go has been having around Mr.Conley community and it is not just his community, but many others. Thus, Pokemon Go has done some good for this world. It has helped bring people together, get people moving, and helped those with social disabilities, autism, and shy folks learn to reach out and communicate. This is why Pokemon Go should not be banned or shut down, but with a little tweak here and there to make the app itself safe and teaching your kids and people how to play the game safely the game can become safer.

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