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Michael Ellis: A Man on a Mission

Many citizens join the military and while some leave the military they do not have a job or life outside the military planned. however, there are some who do plan before their leave of the military. Such as a young man named Michael Ellis. He is right now in the military and pursuing a career in the rap music industry. Not only, is he serving our country, but he is a talented rapper.

By day he is a military man and by night a rapper. Mr. Ellis shows us working and going for something you love is not impossible. I had the chance to talk with Mr. Ellis and he agreed to answer some questions in regards to himself and career.

1) Before joining the military were you planning on becoming a rapper or was it while in the military you decided to become a rapper? (A) I have always had a passion for music. It started at a young age with the electric guitar. It before I joined I wanted to become a rapper, but wasn’t until after I began to take it serious. 2) Why did you choose to become a rapper? Did you have another career in mind? (A) rap was my get away. I found it after college. I played baseball in college and up to the injury I was all about my baseball career. After realizing I wouldn’t play anymore I started really working on my craft as a rap artist.

3) Do you see yourself collaborating with other musicians in other genres, such as country or pop? Or do you plan to just collaborate only with other rappers? (A) I could definitely see myself collaborating with other genres. Music is all beautiful. I definitely wouldn’t mind doing collaborations with rock and pop. 4) Where are you planning to base yourself after the military in regards to promoting your career? (A) Kansas City has changed my life. I will be staying here and basing my music career in KC for sure. It’s always been a dream to own a house on the beach in Florida so if things go well that may be the only change.

5) How do you find the time to devote to your rapping while still in the military? (A) Time is the one thing we can’t get back. If you want something bad enough you can always find the time. I try my best to properly invest in time. It’s a real tough battle when you have a job that requires so much time and devotion. Both are extremely sensitive in nature. The military and Music. Normally I try to keep them separate and try to keep much distance between the two. It’s almost like living two different lives.

6) Who would you like to perform with in the future? (A) Hopsin is my biggest influence. He helped me find the motivation I needed to become a rapper. So sharing a stage with Hopsin would be a great milestone in my career. 7) Do you write your own songs? If so, what influences you when creating your songs? For instance, your song “Going Ghost” what influenced or inspired the song? (A) I do write my own music. I have never outsourced for any lyrics. All song are written by me. I like to write in an emotional state. Emotions manipulate my music. Going Ghost was written at the end of a bad break up. I’ll never say the name of the individual, but thank you for influencing one of my best songs.

8)Who produces all of your beats?

(A) I have a few producers I use. Gummy Bears, syndrome beats, beststash, and a few more. I’m currently in search of a personal producer to work solely with on a project.

Mr. Ellis is able to be reached via social media, his Twitter is @MichaelEllis_ME and Instagram is @MichaelEllis_ME

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